Ten Reasons to Consider Christianity

Reason 5: Christianity is judged unfairly
A man that was honest, dynamic and hardworking was rejected at every job interview he attended. It wasn’t because of his qualifications – his resume was impeccable. He was rejected because of his twin brother’s criminal reputation and was judged untrustworthy by association.
Many people reject Christianity on the basis of the horrible things done in the name of religion. However, we forget that Jesus Christ was not impressed with religion either. In fact, it was religious people that conspired to nail Him to the cross.
The Bible states that Jesus Christ is the Son of God – the manifestation of God in human flesh (John 10:30). We can see through Christ’s life that God is very much against crusades, inquisitions, terrorist attacks, suicide bombings, human sacrifice, suppression of women and abuse of children.
When Christ was alive, He took a firm stand against hypocritical religious leaders; He tossed spiritual-swindlers out of the temple who were fleecing the public; He courageously stood between religious zealots ready to execute a woman charged with adultery.
Sadly, religion has given Christianity a reputation it doesn’t deserve. God is no fan of religion. If we reject Christianity on the basis of the despicable things done and said by religious people, we have judged Christianity and God unfairly.
Religion may wrong you, condemn you, malign you or nail you to a cross – but God certainly doesn't want this. He desires to have an eternal, loving relationship with each of us no matter who we are or how we have failed Him.
Christianity is not about a set of meaningless rituals, feeling guilty and trying to be good. Christianity is a restoration of a family relationship with our Heavenly Father through the saving work of Jesus Christ on the cross. God greatly desires we accept His gift of Salvation so we can be reconciled with Him for eternity. The choice is now individually up to us if we wish to be reconciled with Him.
John 3:16 states, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son (Jesus Christ), that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.”
Thank you to Ian and Sue Coate for post and illustrations