Parable: Lazarus and the Rich Man
Modern Adaption of the Parable

Once upon a time in a bustling city, there lived a wealthy entrepreneur named Michael. He was highly successful in his business ventures and enjoyed a life of luxury and abundance. In the same city, on a crowded street, a destitute man named Ethan struggled to survive. Homeless and hungry, he spent his days begging for scraps to sustain himself.
Each day, Michael passed by Ethan on his way to work, barely acknowledging his existence. Consumed by his own pursuits and the demands of his high-powered career, he seldom spared a thought for those less fortunate. Meanwhile, Ethan silently endured the hardships of his situation, his spirit slowly withering under the weight of neglect.
One fateful day, tragedy struck both Michael and Ethan, and they departed from this world simultaneously. As their souls crossed into the realm beyond, they found themselves in a place where the boundaries of time and space blurred. Michael opened his eyes to a scene of immense suffering and anguish. He had entered a realm of torment, a place commonly referred to as hell. Amidst the flames and cries of despair, he caught a glimpse of Ethan, now adorned in robes of serenity and surrounded by an aura of peace.
Overwhelmed with desperation, Michael cried out to Ethan, "Please, Ethan, have mercy on me! Just a drop of water to quench my unbearable thirst, for these flames consume me!"
Ethan, his heart softened by the experiences of his earthly life, responded with compassion, "Michael, remember the life we lived on Earth. You possessed immense wealth and privilege, while I languished in poverty. Now, a great chasm separates us, and it is beyond my power to provide you any relief."
In a moment of clarity, Michael pleaded, "Then, Ethan, please send a message to my family, that they may learn from my mistakes and avoid this dreadful fate."
Ethan gently replied, "Your family has been blessed with the teachings of compassion, empathy, and generosity. If they choose to heed those lessons, they will find their way. However, even a miraculous sign may not sway those who have closed their hearts."
As Michael contemplated the consequences of his choices, he realized the magnitude of his self-centeredness. He had been blinded by his pursuit of wealth and success, neglecting the well-being of those around him. Now, he bore the weight of his indifference.
A Comparative Analysis: Modern Adaptation and the Biblical Parable of Lazarus and the Rich Man
The parable of Lazarus and the Rich Man is a powerful biblical story that highlights the stark contrast between a wealthy man's indifference and a poor man's suffering. In this analysis, we will compare the key elements and themes of the original parable to the modern adaptation, exploring how the timeless message resonates in both contexts.
Characters and Setting:
In the biblical parable, the rich man remains unnamed, while the poor man is called Lazarus. The modern adaptation introduces Michael as the wealthy entrepreneur and Ethan as the destitute individual. Both versions feature a bustling city as the backdrop, emphasizing the stark divide between affluence and poverty within society.
Wealth and Indifference:
The core theme of the parable revolves around the rich man's indifference to the suffering of Lazarus. In the biblical story, the rich man ignores Lazarus, allowing him to languish at his gate. Similarly, Michael in the modern adaptation disregards Ethan, passing by without offering assistance. Both portrayals highlight the callousness that can arise from excessive wealth and self-absorption.
The Afterlife and Divine Justice:
Both versions depict the consequences faced by the wealthy individuals in the afterlife. In the biblical parable, the rich man finds himself in a place of torment, while Lazarus resides in comfort. The modern adaptation parallels this outcome, illustrating Michael's anguish in a realm of flames and Ethan's serenity in a place of peace. These portrayals reinforce the idea of divine justice and the reversal of fortunes between the rich and the poor.
Pleas for Relief and Redemption:
In both the parable and the modern adaptation, the rich man, Michael, cries out for relief and mercy. He request a drop of water to alleviate his suffering and seek assistance for his family However, his pleas go unanswered due to the choices he made during his earthly life. This aspect underscores the importance of compassion, generosity, and repentance in avoiding spiritual condemnation.
Lessons and Moral Responsibility:
The parable of Lazarus and the Rich Man and its modern adaptation share a common moral lesson: the significance of empathy, compassion, and the responsible use of wealth. Both stories emphasize the imperative to recognize and address the needs of others, particularly those in vulnerable circumstances. They caution against the pitfalls of materialism, urging individuals to prioritize kindness and societal justice.
This modern retelling of the parable of Lazarus and the Rich man serves as a poignant reminder to us all. It urges us to cultivate awareness of the needs of others, to extend compassion, and to utilize our resources to uplift and support the less fortunate. In a world divided by economic disparities, it is our actions and the choices we make that shape our character and determine our destiny, both in this life and beyond.
-Ronald A Fahrenholz II (for more parables) visit: